On some documents, Baruch STURZ’s wife listed as Clara LOWY and on others as Kate SILVERMAN, yet it seems as if he was married only once.
It is assumed that Baruch Sturz’ wife Kate, listed in various US Census, is the same as Klara Lowy, listed in Hungarian Births on
www.jewishgen.org and marriage records on
- 1883: Josef Sturz’s marriage license lists his mother as Katy Lowry.
- 1885: Rosie Sturz’s marriage license lists her mother as Clara Lowy.
- 1894: Max Sturz’s marriage license lists his mother as Clara Lowy
- 1900 US Census says that they Baruch and Kate have been married 48 years. (Baruch and Klara Lowy were married in 1848. So in 1900 they would be celebrating their 52nd anniversary.)
However, on some documents, Baruch Sturz’s wife is listed as Kate SILVERMAN.
- 1885: Minnie Sturz’s marriage license lists her mother as Kati SILVERMAN.
[2138]- 1896: Fanny Sturz married Max Miller on 26 July 1896. She listed her mother as Gitel SILBERMAN.
- 1931: On death certificate for Fanny Miller (b. 14 Mar 1876, d. 9 Jan 1931), her parents are listed as Bernard Sturz and Kate SILVERMAN, both born in Austria.
[2179]Henry Sturz’s marriage license says that his mother is Katherine Frederick.
[2180] 1880 US Census lists Bernhard STURZ his wife, Kate, and their 10 children.
1900 US Census says that of Kate Sturz’s 8 children, 5 are alive. However, the 1880 Census would imply that there were 10 children of whom at least 6 were alive in 1900.