
Clark Baker, February 2006

My collection of good Modern Western square dance choreography.

Outstanding call combinations

There are some combinations of calls that fit together really well. Sometimes these are discovered by accident while sight calling. Often they need to be constructed. So they are not forgotten, they are listed here.
  1. Lines facing: Right And Left Thru; Dixie Style; Swing Thru; Chain Down The Line -- Don Beck

  2. Swing Thru; Finish Dosado -- TonyO

  3. Right And Left Thru; Dixie Style; Boys Trade; By The Left, Hinge; Walk And Dodge; Wheel Around -- Ted Lizotte

  4. Double Pass Thru; Fircle Couple Go Left, Next Couple California Twirl and Right And Left Thru; Pass The Ocean; Others step forward and Bend The Line

  5. As Couples Swing Thru; Centers Wheel Around 1 1/2; Others Bend The Line -- TonyO

  6. Ping Pong Circulate, Boys Go Twice, Center Girls Trade -- Don Beck

  7. RH2FL: Couples Circulate 1 1/2; All 8 Chain Down The Line

  8. LH Ocean Waves; Circulate 1 1/2; All 8 Chain Down The Line
Revised: $Date: 2006/02/12 22:45:13 $