Challenging Contra Dance Series

~ for experienced dancers ~

First Fridays at the Concord Scout House

74 Walden St., Concord, MA

Time: 8-11 PM

Admission: $10 (under 21, $8)

2019-2020 Season



More info: 978-779-6077 or laleaf "at" yahoo "dot" com

Sponsored by the Challenging Contradance Series

What does challenging mean?

** It's not how long you've been dancing, it's how well you can adapt to challenging and unusual choreography**

Cancellation Policy for First Friday Challenging Dance

If there is a concern, we hope to have a final decision by 4PM. We will automatically cancel the dance if the town of Concord bans parking on the streets and in the municipal parking lot.

When in doubt, call 978-779-6077 or check this website.

Free counters provided by Andale.