Clark Baker's C2 Teaching Order

This schedule teaches C2 in 14 sessions of 7 tips each. Generally the first tip is used to review the previous week's calls, the next 5 tips are used to teach one call or concept per tip, and the last tip is used for practice and dancing.

Each session contains one concept and four calls -- usually two 4-dancer calls and two 8-dancer calls. The teaching and review load is mostly balanced across the sessions. Calls which are easily confused are spaced at least two sessions apart. Calls and concepts which need more practice are located towards the beginning of the teaching order.

Not all the variations listed will be taught at the time the initial call is taught -- they will be introduced when the dancers have mastered the base call.

Changes I would make next time I use this:

  • Space Exchange and Unwrap further apart. Dancers got confused.
  • Dancers should learn Parallelogram before Offsets.
  • Teach Detour early. Keep it away from "centers" calls.

    C2 Teaching Order

    SessionTeachReviewCallVariation #1Variation #2Variation #3
    1 1 1 (Anything) and Circle
    1 2 2 Chisel Thru
    1 1 2 Inlet
    1 3 3 Once Removed Concept
    1 2 3 Rotate Single Reverse Reverse Single
    1 1 2 Split Swap Around Reverse
    2 1 2 Crazy Concept Reverse Crazy
    2 2 2 Peel to a Diamond Trail
    2 2 2 Scoot and Counter Counter
    2 1 2 Sock It To Me Here Comes the Judge
    2 2 2 Unwrap the Diamond Interlocked Diamond Hourglass
    3 1 2 Catch 1, 2, 3, 4
    3 1 1 Loop
    3 2 2 Stack the Line
    3 2 2 Swing Along Along
    3 2 3 Triple Wave Concept Line Column
    4 3 2 Exchange the Diamond 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full
    4 3 3 Grand Chain Eight
    4 1 2 Kick Off Cross
    4 2 3 Offset Waves Concept Lines Columns
    4 1 1 Rotary (Anything)
    5 1 2 Cross the K K
    5 2 2 Fascinate Fascinating
    5 2 2 Funny Concept Circulate Square Thru
    5 1 1 Lateral Substitute
    5 1 2 Reshape the Triangle
    6 2 2 Cross and Wheel Trade Grand Single
    6 2 3 Parallelogram Concept
    6 1 1 Reverse Cut the Diamond Flip
    6 1 2 Scoot and Cross Ramble Cross Ramble
    6 2 2 Walk Out to a Wave
    7 2 2 Alter and Circulate
    7 2 3 Chain the Square
    7 2 3 Stagger Concept
    7 1 1 Truck Reverse (added to C2 1/1/05)
    7 2 2 Turn to a Line
    8 1 2 (Anything) Coordinate Motivate Percolate Perk Up
    8 1 3 Cross Concentric Concept
    8 2 2 Swap the Wave
    8 2 2 3 by 1 Checkmate the Column Transfer
    8 2 2 Wheel the Ocean Sea
    9 1 2 Outlet
    9 2 2 Invert the Column Cross
    9 1 2 Relocate the Diamonds Setup
    9 2 2 Tandem-Based Triangle Formation Peel Off Trail Off Peel & Trail
    9 2 2 3 by 1 Triangle Circulate Interlocked
    10 1 2 File to a Line
    10 1 1 Scoot and Little More Little More
    10 2 2 Sets in Motion
    10 2 3 Stretched (Set-Up) Concept
    10 2 2 Tagging Calls Your Neighbor Flip Tag Vertical Tag
    11 1 2 Cut the Galaxy Flip
    11 2 2 Disconnected Concept
    11 1 1 Press In/Out/Right/Left
    11 2 2 Perk Up
    11 1 2 Rims Trade Back Hubs Anything
    11 1 2 Split Trade Circulate
    12 2 2 Checkpoint (Anything) by (Anything)
    12 1 1 Circle to a Wave
    12 1 2 Criss Cross Your Neighbor
    12 1 2 Dodge (Anything)
    12 2 2 Ripple Like a Ripple
    12 1 1 Shazam
    13 2 2 Criss Cross the Shadow
    13 1 1 Cross Back Grand
    13 1 2 Reverse Cut the Galaxy Flip
    13 1 2 Drop In/Out/Right/Left
    13 1 2 Lines (Anything) Thru
    13 1 2 Solid Concept
    14 1 1 Bounce the (Anyone) Single
    14 2 2 Detour
    14 1 2 Hocus Pocus
    14 1 1 Vertical (Anything)
    14 1 1 With the Flow
    14 1 2 Zip Code

    Revised: $Date: 2005/04/21 18:48:21 $