May possibly be the Louis Goodkin residing at 11 E. Fulton St., Long Beach, L.I. who was naturalized on Dec 16, 1930 in U.S. District Court. Brooklyn, NY #148323
Obituary mentions:
- two grandchildren: Deborah Kauffman of Portland, OR and Erich Goodkin of Federal Way, WA:
- two great-grandchildren: Brittany Kauffman of Portland, OR and Stephanie Goodkin of Federal Way, WA
A family tree posted on [1995] suggests that Louis may have been married to Bertha Greenberg (1907-1944) who was the mother of one of his son’s.
- This Louis GOODKIN, age 26, was living with parents and siblings at 216 Union Ave, Clifton, Passaic, New Jersey.
- Another Louis GOODKIN, age 55, living at 423 Harrison St,, Passaic, Passaic, New Jersey with his wife, Sarah, and children, Benjamin, Bertha and Saul.
- Both men were born in Russia.
- Both men were masons.