Hexagon Squares -- Clinic for 54th National Square Dance Convention

Portland, Oregon Thursday, June 23, 2005



Presented by:


Doug Davis

Sparks, Nevada

Nasser Shukayr

San Benito, Texas







1.    Why Six-Couple Squares?

A.  Entertainment.

B.   Use occasionally to give your program a dash of spice.

C.   Allow more people to dance (for example, if only 6 or 7 couples are at the dance).

D.  Make your presentation more memorable.



2.    Preparation.

A.  Do your homework.

B.   Practice - practice - practice!

C.   Little things mean a lot.

1)   Diction - pronounce the calls correctly.

2)   Clear delivery style.

3)   Sound equipment capabilities and condition.

4)   Music tempo.

5)   Timing.

D.  After the foundation is correct, you can add variety to your show.



3.    Presentation.

A.  Keep it fun!

B.   The unusual formation can make sequences more difficult for the dancers.

C.   Try not to use too much or too many different kinds of variety.

D.  Variety can only impress the dancers if they can actually dance it.

E.   A successful caller makes people feel good about themselves.

F.   Don't show the dancers how much you know ; show them how good they are.

G.  You want to be remembered as delightfully different, not "weird".



4.    Rectangles.

A.  Each head position is occupied by two side-by-side head couples.

B.   Most choreographic modules still work in rectangle squares.

C.   Can also be sight-resolved (requires three key couples instead of two).

D.  Some calls require modified rules for the dancers:

1)   R&L Grand.

2)   Six Ladies Chain.

3)   Grand Square.

E.   Singing calls:  six partner changes.

F.   Same general concept can be used for 8 or 10 or 20 or more couples.



5.    Hexagons.

A.  Six-sided shape.

B.   Only two of the six couples are aligned to the wall.

C.   Every other couple is "heads", every other couple is "sides".

D.  Any four-couple call can be done hexagon.

E.   Same general concept can be used for more than six couples

F.   Heads will always end up heads, sides will always end up sides, but you might not end up with your original partner.

G.  Clark Baker has a nice article on hexagon dancing on his website at:  http://www.tiac.net/~mabaker/hexagon.html



6.    Evaluating the results.

A.  Did you do a good job?  Is there any room for improvement?

B.   Were the people dancing?  (Dancing is movement to music.)

1)   Was there music?

2)   Were they moving?

C.   Did the dancers enjoy it?  Did the dancers "win"?  Did they feel good about themselves and their dancing ability?